Simulating the LSST OCS for Conducting Survey Simulations
Using the LSST Scheduler
Michael A. Reuter
, Kem H. Cook
, Francisco Delgado
, Catherine E. Petry
, and Stephen T.
LSST, 950 N Cherry Ave, Tucson, AZ USA
Cook Astronomical Consulting, San Ramon, CA USA
National Optical Astronomy Observatory, 950 N Cherry Ave, Tucson, AZ USA
The Operations Simulator was used to prototype the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) Scheduler. Cur-
rently, the Scheduler is being developed separately to interface with the LSST Observatory Control System
(OCS). A new Simulator is under concurrent development to adjust to this new architecture. This requires a
package simulating enough of the OCS to allow execution of realistic schedules. This new package is called the
Simulated OCS (SOCS). In this paper we detail the SOCS construction plan, package structure, LSST commu-
nication middleware platform use, provide some interesting use cases that the separated architecture allows and
the software engineering practices used in development.
Keywords: LSST, simulations, observing strategy
Both the research and development phase of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST)
project prior to the
construction award in August 2014 and the subsequent years afterwards saw the successful development and
testing of the Operations Simulator (OpSim).
OpSim is a software application for simulating surveys for
LSST. It contains an environment simulation using data from the actual LSST site, a fully detailed kinematic
telescope and camera model, con?guration parameters for controlling the science driven requirements, and the
prototype version of the LSST Scheduler. OpSim has been tuned to produce the current LSST baseline survey
and some alternate survey strategies.
While OpSim has been successful at producing survey strategy scenarios, the Scheduler is entwined within
the code base. When LSST begins operations, it will require the Scheduler to perform the duties of determining
the next targets to observe while interfacing with LSST's Observatory Control System (OCS).
The Scheduler
will use the LSST communication middleware
project which is a layer upon the Data Distribution Service
(DDS) architecture. DDS is a publish/subscribe system in common use for communication between components
of complex systems.
With the requirements stated above, the project decided to separate the Scheduler
into its own code base
so that an e?ective deliverable can be provided. In order to continue running simulations with the refactored
Scheduler, a new harness is being created that utilizes the same DDS infrastructure to communicate with the
Scheduler. This new project is called the Simulated Observatory Control System (SOCS). SOCS is not a high
?delity simulation of the entire OCS, but just enough of it to get the Scheduler to complete an entire survey. The
combination of SOCS and the Scheduler is still collectively called the Operations Simulator. This new pairing
will be referred to as OpSim version 4 (OpSim4) whereas the older Operations Simulator is now referred to as
OpSim version 3 (OpSim3). The schematic representations for both versions are shown in Figure
Figure 2 is an exact replica of a diagram showing the interaction of the Scheduler and the OCS with SOCS
simulating OCS functions. The job of SOCS is to provide all of the needed inputs to the Scheduler shown in
Further author information: (Send correspondence to M.A.R.)
M.A.R.: E-mail:
Figure 1. The left ?gure schematically shows the operational bounding box for OpSim version 3. This clearly indicates
the buried nature of the Scheduler within the con?nes of OpSim. The right ?gure schematically shows the operational
bounding box for OpSim version 4. This shows the newly separated nature of the two components which allows for
development and usage ?exibility.
Figure 2. This diagram shows the DDS communication pathways between the SOCS and Scheduler systems.
this diagram. Central to this is the communications middleware via which information ?ows between SOCS and
the Scheduler. Key to the design of SOCS is the ability to simulate a survey either deterministically or with
stochastic variation in a variety of inputs. This is needed to understand the behavior of simulated surveys when
the Scheduler is not provided completely accurate environmental data due to rapid variation in the environment,
and also when the Scheduler's observatory model is not a completely accurate model of the real observatory.
Since SOCS and the Scheduler have interdependent functionality, the developed construction plans are tightly
coupled. The schedules for both products are aligned so that software releases appear simultaneously. The ?rst
goal in the construction process is to create a version that replaces all of the functionality o?ered by OpSim3
with a few improvements added. The construction will proceed with adding more features to the system until
the Scheduler is delivered to the project completing a major milestone. There will be continued development
after the delivery to implement more features of the system that have been requested.
The following description provides the proposed release versions and the functionality required from each
version. The version 1.0 release represents the OpSim3 replacement milestone and is slated for the fall of 2016.
The version 1.5 release represents the milestone of the Scheduler delivery to the project.
v0.2 SOCS interface with DDS, Implement basic con?guration system, Implement basic survey database system,
Simulation kernel and time handling, sequencer with target handling, Inherit from Scheduler observatory
model, Interface with Scheduler exchanging ?xed list of targets
v0.3 Implement slewing and visit behavior for observatory model, Implement observing behavior in sequencer,
Integrate storage of target and observation information in survey database, Track slew information in
survey database, Implement con?guration for area distribution proposals
v1.0 Implement con?guration for time-dependent proposals, Con?gure Scheduler via DDS topics, Implement
environmental model, Incorporate weather and seeing data, Implement downtime information, Implement
?lter swaps during new moon
v1.1 Implement con?guration and support development of look-ahead for area distribution proposals, Implement
non-deterministic downtime, Implement non-deterministic weather
v1.2 Implement con?guration and support development of look-ahead for time-dependent proposals
v1.3 Evaluate and implement performance enhancements
v1.4 Implement warm start process for Scheduler, Implement image quality feedback simulation, Implement
degraded operations mode simulation
v1.5 Implement and support dithering in Scheduler
v2.0 Implement publication of future targets from Scheduler
v2.1 Implement weather forecast data
v2.2 Implement con?guration for alternate Scheduler optimization algorithms
The design of SOCS inherits from lessons learned in building OpSim3. Among those is a desire for a more
modular approach to the software with some parts of the Application Programming Interface (API) available
for use outside the main steering program. Figure
shows the top-level component diagram. It contains both
module de?nitions as well as information ?ow between components and between SOCS and the Scheduler.
3.1 Modules
The code is divided into modules with each one characterized by a particular set of behaviors and responsibilities
for the system. Descriptions of the modules are given in the following sections.
3.1.1 Simulation Kernel
The Simulation Kernel is responsible for the main control ?ow of the simulator. There is a Simulator class which
handles the orchestration of the di?erent steps within the survey simulation. The TimeHandler class is clock
for running the survey simulation. The timestamps provided by this class are updated faster than real time
since it does not have to wait for any subsystem to return information. However, the timestamps run from the
beginning of the survey until its ?nish. Finally, there is the Sequencer which mimics some of the behavior of
its OCS counterpart. This class is responsible for performing the observation cycle on the requested target that
was given by the Scheduler.
Figure 3. This diagram shows the block level components for the SOCS design as well as the information ?ow both
internal and external to SOCS.
3.1.2 Observatory Model
The Observatory Model contains the representation of the \real" LSST observatory. It uses as an aggregate of
the Observatory Model from the Scheduler. The Scheduler's model will always be an ideal version of the real
observatory. However, the SOCS Observatory Model is constructed for allowing perturbations of the various
model parameters. This allows for testing of engineering scenarios of degraded observatory performance. This
module also houses container classes used for gathering information about the observatory for inclusion in the
survey database.
3.1.3 Survey Database
This module handles the creation and interactions for the generated survey database. It contains functions that
specify the information content of the di?erent tables and then constructs the actual instances of those tables.
There are functions that also aid in the ability to map data from DDS topics and other SOCS information
structures onto the appropriate columns for a given table. The SocsDB class is the main orchestrator of survey
database interactions. It is responsible for creating the database, gathering the data for output and actually
performing the database writes. The system uses SQLAlchemy
to handle the di?erent database backends and
is currently con?gured to output to a MariaDB
or a SQLite
3.1.4 Environmental Model
The Environmental Model will contain classes that handle digesting and distributing environment information,
such as weather and astronomical sky conditions, to the Scheduler. This module is due to reach development
status about the time this paper is presented at the conference, so speci?c details are not available. Weather
and seeing data from the LSST site will be stored in a digested format. The code will also allow overriding of
that data so long as it's in a similar format. The module classes will be responsible for consuming the digested
data and converting it into topics that are then passed to the Scheduler.
3.1.5 Quality Simulator
While this module has not reached the development stage of the construction plan, it also has a known set
of functionality. It will contain classes that mimic some the information from the Data Management Level 1
The main focus is the image feedback on quantities like seeing, transparency and other quality
metrics. This system will be engineered to provide a mechanism for occasionally making a recently completed
visit violate image quality constraints. This information will be fed back to the Scheduler and the winning
proposals for that visit will need to determine how the quality factors e?ect their completeness requirements.
3.1.6 SAL
While this module is not on the diagram, it is designed to help handle the interaction between other classes and
the LSST middleware's Software Abstraction Layer (SAL). The main class, called SalManager, allows for easy
creation and setting of publish and subscribe topics that are the backbone of the communication between SOCS
and the Scheduler. This class also provides an easy mechanism for performing the actual publishing of topics
and receiving the subscribed topics.
3.1.7 Con?guration
This is another module not on the diagram, but one that keeps the baseline LSST survey con?guration. It
uses a con?guration system that is available from the LSST Data Management software stack.
The classes
contain the appropriate con?guration parameters for the baseline survey and the con?guration system provides
a mechanism to override those values without changing the code. There are also classes which interface the
con?guration parameters to the con?guration DDS topics that need to be passed to the Scheduler.
3.2 Information Flow
We will now describe the content of the external information ?ow for SOCS. Each arrow represents one or more
DDS topics. For reference the Observatory and Environmental arrows in Figure
are bundled together as the
Telemetry arrow from Figure
3.2.1 Control
This arrow consists of many di?erent topics. The main one is the exchange of a timestamp during the simulation.
This timestamp represents the calendar time prior to the upcoming visit. Multiple topics are used to handle
con?guration of the various Scheduler components. Other topics include downtime noti?cations and possible
degraded modes for the observatory
3.2.2 Visits
This arrow consists of an observation topic from the visit of the ?eld requested via the Scheduler target. This
topic contains information like the time the visit started, actual number and duration of exposures, total time of
visit, actual ?eld position observed (RA, Dec), ?lter used in observation, sky brightness, clouds (or transparency),
?eld separation from moon, etc.
3.2.3 Environment
This contains multiple topics for exchange of environmental conditions. Clouds (or transparency), seeing, weather
data (temperature, pressure, wind speed and direction, etc.) and weather forecasting data are provided. Topics
like clouds and seeing are provided as a grid of information for the whole sky. The grid resolution is determined
by the Scheduler requirements.
3.2.4 Observatory
This arrow contains a single topic that is exchanged prior to the upcoming visit. It contains the current pointing
location, tracking state, telescope, dome and rotator positions and the camera ?lter state information.
3.2.5 Image Quality
This arrow contains a topic with image quality parameters from a recent visit. It will contain an overall image
quality factor and calculated seeing and transparency for the visit ?eld.
3.2.6 History
This arrow's main use is for setting up a new instance of the Scheduler based on the current running Scheduler.
It contains a stream of observation topic messages that are read from a survey database. The contents of the
topic messages are the same as the one from the Visit arrow.
3.2.7 Con?g
This arrow represents any con?guration coming from the Scheduler that outside systems, like SOCS or the OCS,
might require. Currently, this is limited to the con?guration of the LSST observation ?elds. For SOCS, the
LSST ?eld information is used to link against the target ?eld request from the Scheduler.
3.2.8 Targets
This represents the stream of targets requested by the Scheduler after considering all of the environmental,
observatory and science requirements. The target topic contains information like the requested ?eld, ?eld position
(RA, Dec), ?lter, number and duration of exposures.
3.2.9 Sched Telem
This arrow represents a topic containing all of the relevant information the Scheduler used to make its decision
about which target to request for observation. It consists of information like sky brightness, clouds, transparency,
seeing, target distance from moon, rank from science drivers, interested science drivers, etc.
OpSim3 had a document detailing all of the functional and performance requirements for the developed system
which included those for the Scheduler. The refactoring of OpSim3 into the SOCS and Scheduler components
necessitated a reorganization of the requirements document into one for each resulting system. The SOCS
requirements document was adjusted to account for the new role as the harness for driving the Scheduler and
placed under LSST project level change control.
A development plan for SOCS was created containing incremental releases, with a speci?c set of capabilities
and validation activities for each one. This plan is captured in JIRA
release epics and described at a high
level in Primavera
which is a component of LSST's Project Management Controls System (PMCS).
plan is coordinated with the release timeline of the Scheduler due to their heavy interdependence. The detailed
construction plan is also described in JIRA epics relating to each release epic, keeping track of individual tasks
that mark the way to each release. Tracking the development process uses the LSST variant of Agile software
The JIRA plan, releases, milestones and tasks are used periodically to report back to PMCS
which computes earned value
for the project and to organize the work of the development team.
The SOCS code is written in Python
and is kept in a GitHub
git repository. It follows the coding stan-
from LSST Data Management and LSST Systems Engineering Simulations about templates, interfaces,
coding and unit tests. The SOCS code follows the basic tenants of the Test Driven Design
(TDD) philosophy
of software development. TDD requires writing tests before implementing code, helping to focus the design of
the system. Also, unit tests are run during the implementation process at a fairly high frequency to uncover
issues quickly. The baseline science survey con?guration is also kept within the SOCS GitHub repository.
More importantly, each SOCS release is integrated and tested with the LSST Scheduler and the combined
e?orts from both the Telescope and Site and Systems Engineering Simulations teams. The capabilities of SOCS
to drive the Scheduler for implementing the LSST survey are validated with specialized tools, such as the Metrics
Analysis Framework
and the participation of the science collaborations.
The separation of the Scheduler from the simulation harness allows for e?cient development. This means only
one code base has to be maintained to serve the separate input systems (OCS and SOCS). This separated
approach and the use of a standard communication framework allow for some interesting use cases with respect
to the SOCS/Scheduler combination. The main use case, the ability to run a full LSST survey, is not in?uenced
by the system separation. The other cases are predicated o? the idea that the Scheduler con?guration running
the LSST during operations can be injected into a new instance of the Scheduler. The new instance can be
driven by SOCS to perform di?erent scenarios while leaving the operating Scheduler una?ected. One scenario
is advancing the Scheduler through a given time window in order to publish a list of targets that the LSST will
visit within the caveats of environmental and instrumental conditions. Another scenario is to take the current
Scheduler state and fast forward through the remaining survey to evaluate the e?ciency based o? the current
progress. This mechanism can also be used to evaluate alternate scenarios for the survey, such as new proposals,
proposals being ?nished or alternate con?guration parameters.
In this paper, we have shown the necessity for refactoring OpSim3 into the LSST Scheduler and SOCS which is
known collectively as OpSim4. We presented the construction plan and architecture design for SOCS including
information ?ow. We provided evidence of the software engineering practices applied during the code development
of SOCS. Lastly, we presented some use cases that demonstrated the unique capabilities of this separated system.
Financial support for LSST comes from the National Science Foundation (NSF) through Cooperative Agreement
No. 1258333, the Department of Energy (DOE) O?ce of Science under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515,
and private funding raised by the LSST Corporation. The NSF-funded LSST Project O?ce for construction
was established as an operating center under management of the Association of Universities for Research in
Astronomy (AURA). The DOE-funded e?ort to build the LSST camera is managed by the SLAC National
Accelerator Laboratory (SLAC).
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