LSST Active Optics System Software Architecture
Sandrine J. Thomas
, Paul Lotz
, Srinivasan Chandrasekharan
, Bo Xin
, Charles Claver
George Angeli
, Jacques Sebag
, and Gregory P. Dubois-Felsmann
LSST, 950 N. Cherry Av, Tucson, AZ, USA
Caltech, 1200 E California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) is an 8-meter class wide-?eld telescope now under construction on
Cerro Pach?on, near La Serena, Chile. This ground-based telescope is designed to conduct a decade-long time
domain survey of the optical sky. In order to achieve the LSST scienti?c goals, the telescope requires delivering
seeing limited image quality over the 3.5 degree ?eld of view. Like many telescopes, LSST will use an Active
Optics System (AOS) to correct in near real-time the system aberrations primarily introduced by gravity and
temperature gradients. The LSST AOS uses a combination of 4 curvature wavefront sensors (CWS) located on
the outside of the LSST ?eld-of-view. The information coming from the 4 CWS is combined to calculate the
appropriate corrections to be sent to the 3 di?erent mirrors composing LSST. The AOS software incorporates a
wavefront sensor estimation pipeline (WEP) and an active optics control system (AOCS). The WEP estimates
the wavefront residual error from the CWS images. The AOCS determines the correction to be sent to the
di?erent degrees of freedom every 30 seconds. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of the
AOS. More particularly, we will focus on the software architecture as well as the AOS interactions with the
various subsystems within LSST.
Keywords: Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, Active Optics, Wide Field of View, Curvature Sensing
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) is an 8.4 meter diameter telescope now under construction on
Cerro Pachon in Chile.
The telescope is composed of three aspheric mirrors: the 8.4m primary mirror (M1),
a 3.4m secondary mirror (M2) and a 5m tertiary mirror (M3). The primary and tertiary mirrors form a single
monolithic mirror called the M1M3
. LSST has one instrument, a three-lens camera that directs the light
path onto a 3.2 gigapixel camera, with a ?eld-of-view (FOV) of 3.5 degrees.
The camera has 6 di?erent ?lters,
u,g,r,i,z,y. The overall system image quality budget for the LSST is 0.4 arcsec FWHM with 0.25 arcsec allocated
to the telescope and 0.3 arcsec associated to the camera. LSST is a seeing-limited telescope and thus these
performance do not include the errors coming from the atmosphere.
In order to optimize the image quality across the 3.5 degree FOV of the camera, LSST relies on an Active
Optics System (AOS). Both M1M3 and M2 are equipped with actuators that allow for the AOS to control the
shape of the mirror surface and their position.
In addition, M2 and the camera are on hexapods allowing further
positioning adjustment.
The wavefront control is performed by determining a base set of control parameters based on both ?nite
element analysis (FEA) and on-sky open-loop measurements as well as by adding low temporal frequency closed
loop corrections determined from real-time wavefront measurements. The open-loop model may take the form
of equations or tables. In this paper, we also refer to this as Look-up Table (LUT). The LUT provides near
optimum values for all actuator forces and hexapods positions and depends primarily on elevation angle and
temperature. Although constructed using FEA models, it will be veri?ed extensively during the commissioning
Further author information: (Send correspondence to S.J.T.)
S.J.T.: E-mail:, Telephone: 1 520 318 8227
The corrections given by the LUT, however, do not allow the system to meet the LSST image quality
requirements due to non-repeatable and/or unpredictable e?ects. These e?ects include temperature errors, wind
loads and hysteresis. Accordingly, LSST plans to use real-time wavefront sensor measurements to compensate
for these errors to achieve the LSST required image quality. The wavefront sensor selected is a curvature sensor,
since the wide-?eld and the fast beam make the use of the more popular Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor
problematic. Moreover, the curvature sensors can be used in the focal plane, while the Shack-Hartmann is used
in the pupil plane. The curvature sensor option avoids non-common path errors. More details on the origin and
impact of di?erent environmental perturbations on the LSST image quality are described in a previous paper.
In addition to on-sky wavefront correction, the active optics will be used to conduct alignment veri?cation in
coordination with a laser tracker at the beginning of every night or during the night if needed.
This paper describes the software architecture of the active optics system. Section
presents the di?erent
use-cases of the AOS. Section
describes the technical aspect of the wavefront sensor both mechanically and
relative to software. Section
and section
detail the steps and functions of the components of the AOS.
2.1 Normal Operation and Engineering Operation
Normal operation is de?ned by routine nighttime observations for which there is no human intervention. The
AOS input is 4 individual pairs of intra- and extra-focal images corresponding to the 4 di?erent wavefront
sensors. The images come directly from the Data Acquisition system (DAQ) in the Camera Subsystem. In order
to maintain the required image quality, the AOS output consists of the bending modes sent to the mirror support
system of M1M3 and M2 to control the mirror shapes, and positions sent to the M2 and camera hexapods. The
observatory cadence of the LSST telescope is relatively fast since the telescope pointing changes every 39 seconds.
These 39 seconds are decomposed into two 16s visits (1s of which is to allow the shutter to open and close), a 2s
readout and a 5s slew time. The current baseline plan uses the data from the ?rst visit only and performs the
calculation during the second visit.
During normal operation, we will also have an engineering or manual mode. This mode will be used in open
loop, meaning that after an image is acquired, the AOS pipeline does not automatically run through and send
the corrections to the mirrors, but allows interactions between the AOS and the user. This submode will be
used during commissioning or for corrective maintenance during operation. For instance, when the AOS will
be operated manually, it will enable local hardware control with a personal computer via the facility control
network. Visualization of images and parameters will also be available.
2.2 Full Focal Plane Array Wavefront Sensing
The Full Focal Plane Array (FFPA) mode will be used to build and optimize the LUT during commissioning and
on occasion during the day as part of calibration. The science focal plane array (FPA) consists of 189 science
In this FFPA mode, the AOS obtains the data from the Data Management subsystem (DM) due to
the required temporal frequency of correction being dramatically reduced. The images originate from the 189
science detectors for each of the di?erent sets of defocus, mostly ? 2 mm, as well as WFS images with the camera
in focus for reference. At this reference position, the AOS will collect images from both WFS detectors and
science detectors. Using the full focal plane for wavefront sensing is useful to relate the wavefront sensor data to
image quality in the ?eld.
This mode will also be used during early commissioning using the commissioning camera (ComCam). Com-
Cam has 1 raft with 9 science detectors, therefore leading to a FOV of 0.6 degrees. This mode will help the
commissioning team exercise the AOS algorithm and accomplish the ?rst alignment procedure checks. With
regards to software and algorithms, this operating mode is a slight divergence from the nominal automatic
operation mode, mostly consisting of an increase of number of sensors read and order of operations.
2.3 Alignment procedure
As mentioned earlier, the AOS will also be used at the beginning of each night as an alignment tool to verify
and adjust the reference position relative to the LUT, if needed. In other words, at the beginning of each night,
the observatory operator aligns the main optical elements (mirrors and camera) using the following tools:
- A look-up-table incorporates the state of the system measured during the previous night. The look-up-table
is the set of absolute hexapod positions and mirror shapes in order to achieve the required image quality. Its
requirement is de?ned below. The reference positions are ?xed for at least one night.
- A laser tracker works with the beam re?ectors to adjust tip/tilt/rotation and translation. More information
on the laser tracker is in Araujo et al.
- The curvature wavefront sensor further minimizes the wavefront error. Before the night's observing, the
appropriate active optics corrections are applied to the mirror shapes, and the camera and M2 mirror are
positioned relative to the M1M3 mirror by their hexapods. The position of the camera and M2 will likely be
veri?ed by the laser tracker system. This ensures that the wavefront errors are within the dynamic range of the
active optics system.
This section gives a more detailed description of the wavefront sensing for LSST. The ?rst subsection presents
the optical layout of the camera dedicated to wavefront sensing and the second section focuses on the software
general architecture.
As mentioned in the introduction, the optical wavefront sensor chosen for LSST is a curvature wavefront
sensor, leading to the need to have sets of two images with a de?ned focus o?set between them. To satisfy an
additional constraint to reduce or eliminate non-common path errors, the wavefront sensor is located in the focal
plane of the camera along with the other science sensors.
The wavefront sensor is composed of four sensors manufactured by the Imaging Technology Laboratory (ITL)
at the University of Arizona. The sensors are located at the corner of the focal plane as shown on Figure
Each wavefront sensor is composed of two defocused detectors of 2k ? 4k pixels as shown on Figure
-right. The
optimal defocus was the result of a trade-o? study, including impact of signal-to-noise, atmospheric turbulence,
non-linearity of the wavefront sensor and sky coverage.
The FOV area of each wavefront sensing detector is 6.8 arcminutes ? 13.7 arcminutes. Figure
-right shows
a simulation of the defocused images on the full FOV of one of the four wavefront sensors, using a photon
simulation tool called PhoSim.
These simulations are executed using a bright star catalog such as the catalog
from the United State Naval Observatory (USNO) led by Monet et al.
or internal catalogs.
The images in Figure
-right demonstrate some of the di?culties in using the LSST wavefront sensor images
to reconstruct the wavefront and calculate the best set of corrections to apply to the di?erent degrees of freedom
(presented in section
). The images show blending issues where two stars are so close to another that the two
donuts overlap, resulting in di?culties in the estimation of the wavefront. Some of the donuts also have a low
signal-to-noise ratio. The two images show the di?erences in star counts that can occur even for very close ?elds.
The Active Optics System (AOS) is responsible for measuring the residual wavefront error from the defocused
images and estimating the correct bending modes to send to the mirror control systems (M1M3 and M2) and
the positions to send to the hexapods (M2 and camera). The AOS is part of the Telescope Control System.
describes the inputs and the output to the AOS or interfaces. The interfaces to the AOS are
of several types: interfaces to other subsystems (DM and Camera), and interfaces to the di?erent controllers
(M1M3, M2 and the hexapods). The AOS exchanges messages with other systems using a publish-subscribe
middleware solution based on an implementation of the Data Distribution Service speci?cation.
Input interfaces.
In normal operation the AOS requires crosstalk corrected images from the Camera
Data Acquisition System; these images arrive via a custom push data interface. Still in normal operation, the
AOS will need to know the state of the camera (selected ?lter, for example); this information comes from the
Observatory Control System (OCS).
Finally, the baseline requires the use of calibration images and data such as
Figure 1. Focal plane layout of the detector. The left drawing shows the full focal plane with the science sensors, the
wavefront sensors and the guide sensors. The wavefront sensors and the guide sensors will have vignetting e?ects as well
as distortion that must be taken into account in the wavefront estimation. The right panel shows simulated intra and
extra images for one of the wavefront sensors. They were obtained using a complex simulation tool called PhoSim.
?at ?eld images or bad pixels maps as described in section
. This metadata comes from the Data Management
subsystem, once a night.
Output interfaces. The AOS outputs bending modes and position information to the di?erent controllers
listed in section
Figure 2. AOS ?ow diagram showing inputs and outputs between di?erent components. The AOS receives the images
either from the camera or the DM subsystems. It also receives telemetry from the Observatory Control System. The
output to the AOS is sent to the di?erent mirrors and hexapods controllers. The information sent is the bending modes
o?sets for the mirrors and the positions for the hexapods/rotator.
The AOS includes the Wavefront Estimation Pipeline (WEP) and the Active Optics Control System (AOCS).
Each entity will be described in the following section. The WEP sends to the AOCS a set of Zernike coe?cients
describing the wavefront error for each sensor { 4 in normal operation mode and 189 in FFPA mode.
As mentioned in the introduction, the Wavefront Estimation Pipeline (WEP) is the algorithm responsible for
estimating the wavefront errors in annular Zernike coe?cients associated with each of the corner rafts. In normal
operation (see section
), the inputs to the WEP are an intra-focal image and an extra-focal image coming from
each of the four corner rafts.
The WFS data are pulled directly from the Wavefront Data Acquisition System (DAQ) after each exposure.
The camera team is responsible for the DAQ and will provide its Application Programming Interface (API)
and compilable client source code on a Linux-based computer, along with connectivity instructions. This di?ers
from the nominal science operation mode, for which the images coming from the camera are directly sent to the
data management team for processing and archiving at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Each detector of a corner raft sees a di?erent ?eld of the sky; therefore the stars on each the 2 detectors in each
corner are di?erent. In addition, compared to normal active or adaptive optics systems, the wavefront sensors
have a large FOV, with numerous stars. In addition, the detectors are located 1.7 degrees o?-axis, introducing
vignetting and image distortion. For these reasons, image processing before using any curvature sensing algorithm
is required to make the images usable. This includes basic image processing such as Instrumentation Signature
Removal (ISR),
source selection using a bright star catalog, source processing (deblending and intensity
scaling) and master creation. Where applicable, the WEP utilizes common methods available in the LSST
software stack.
shows the overall architecture of the WEP.
Figure 3. This diagram shows the di?erent steps included in the WEP algorithm. These steps are described in the text.
4.1 Preprocessing
Wavefront Data Collector: During normal operation (see section
) the wavefront sensor data is directly
sent to the AOS from the camera subsystem using the DAQ through a push/pull interface. For the full array
use case, the baseline is for the wavefront sensor data to go directly to the archive before being pulled by the
AOCS. In this mode, the camera control system publishes an event, triggering the active optics system to pull
the wavefront images from the 4 wavefront sensor detectors. For both cases, the images are cross-talk corrected.
Instrument Signature Removal Wrapper: The WEP is compatible with the Instrument Signature Removal
(ISR) developed by the DM team and will use some of its functions. The stack features used by the WEP
are simple dark subtraction, ?at ?eld correction, gain and biases correction. The ISR will also include world
coordinate system (WCS) correction. The other corrections required by the WEP are not part of the ISR and
are described in the following paragraphs.
The Bright Star Catalog and Source Selector: Due to the large FOV of the wavefront sensor detectors,
the source ?nding will rely on a bright star catalog. The impact of galaxies is expected to be minimal. The catalog
contains the RA and DEC of bright stars only. It includes the star's limiting magnitude, and the saturation
as a function of the LSST ?lter, and information about the number of neighbors falling in a prede?ned nearby
surrounding region. The ?nal acceptable number of neighbors within a certain region of interest and the size
of that region of interest are currently being de?ned. The ?rst instance of the catalog is expected to utilize the
catalog developed by USNO;
this catalog will be re?ned using LSST data during the lifetime of the survey.
shows the pre-requisite and components of the source selector step.
Figure 4. This diagram shows details of the source selection process, including items needed such as a bright star catalog
or components of this step.
Creation of intra/extra focal plan image masters: The result of the source ?nding step is a set of postage
stamps for each of the 8 detectors, including neighbors. The WEP then cleans the postage stamp images creating
sub-images of donuts without any contamination from nearby stars. This process is called deblending. Because
of the di?erent magnitudes on each detector, the intensity from each sub-image is scaled to a same magnitude.
Finally, all the images are summed to create a single pair of intra- and extra-focal images per sensor reference
to as the master. These intra and extra masters can be seen as the input to regular curvature sensing.
The limiting magnitude will vary slightly depending on the condition of the night (seeing, cloud coverage,
etc.). Therefore, the quality control is required to determine if a particular donut has the required signal to noise
ratio ( ˘ 10) to be used in the WEP without introducing extra residual errors.
4.2 Wavefront Estimator
Each set of intra and extra masters are then sent to the wavefront estimator. The wavefront sensor algorithm
used for LSST is curvature sensing and has been described in detail in Xin et al.
Due to the location of
the wavefront sensors in the focal plane ( ˘ 1.7 degrees o? axis) there is a need for distortion and vignetting
corrections, preventing analytical mapping from the telescope aperture to the defocused image. In addition,
since LSST has a large central obstruction (60%) and fast beam (f-number of 1.23), the WEP uses a numerical
solution, representing the mapping between the two sets of coordinates with 2D 10th-order polynomials. The
o?-axis distortion and the vignetting information comes from the optical design (Zemax and pupil information)
and depend on the star location on the detector.
To determine a ?nal algorithm, our strategy is to choose two well-established algorithms that are known to
work for large f-number, on-axis systems, implement them as our baseline, then extend them to work with small
f-number and o?-axis sensors. As our two baseline algorithms we have chosen the iterative fast Fourier transform
(FFT) method by Roddier and Roddier,
and the series expansion technique by Gureyev and Nugent.
details are given in Xin et al.
4.3 Required Inputs and output
provides further details on the inputs and sub steps that happen in the wavefront estimator box shown
in Figure
Figure 5. This diagram shows the details of the inputs of the di?erent steps included in the wavefront estimator algorithm.
The output of the WEP is an annular Zernike decomposition of the wavefront. The output is communicated
via Data Distribution System (DDS)
or middleware to the active optics control system as a structure with
three main elements for each sensor: the basis-set name, the number of terms, and the di?erent coe?cients. In
addition, there is an image quality metric associated with each result.
4.4 Pipeline Implementation
WEP implementation will utilize Luigi, a platform independent Python package designed to simplify processing
pipelines. It contains boilerplate code and the dependencies are decentralized. This removes the need for large
con?guration ?les since each task speci?es its own dependencies. The use of Luigi will be limited to de?ning
the pipeline task hierarchy. The processing of each task will be de?ned within its own package. This separates
the responsibility for controlling execution order from the actual processing. The result is a set of Python
classes with very simple implementations that clearly describe each task's dependencies, parameters, outputs,
and responsibilities.
This subsection describes the Active Optics Control System (AOCS). As mentioned above, the AOCS uses the
wavefront measurements pushed by the WEP through the middleware to calculate the correction to send to the
di?erent control elements. The overall feedback algorithm can be separated into two steps: the optical state
reconstructor and the control algorithm (called setpoint mapper in the block diagram presented in Figure
The degrees of freedom that the telescope possesses are the following:
- M1M3 shape, up to 20 bending modes
- M2 shape, up to 20 bending modes
- M2 piston, x/y decenter and x/y tilt using the M2 hexapod
- Camera piston, x/y decenter and x/y tilt using the camera hexapod/rotator
The corrections, de?ned as bending modes and positions, are sent to the di?erent correction elements con-
trollers, namely, the M1M3 controller, M2 controller, M2 hexapod and camera hexapod, as shown on the right
hand of Figure
. The number of bending modes is the optimum number to achieve the required image quality
given by complete simulations.
The output of the AOCS (and thus the AOS) is de?ned in terms of bending
mode o?sets for the M1M3 and M2 shapes as well as the hexapod setpoints. The o?sets are relative to the LUT
(or open model) de?ned in the introduction. The AOS sends setpoints to the component controllers responsible
for moving the relevant axes. These controllers utilize open-loop models (possibly LUTs), in?uence matrices to
convert from bending modes to forces, and custom electronics boards known as Inner Loop Controllers.
Similarly to the wavefront estimation pipeline, the optical feedback control algorithm design is described in
detail in a previous paper.
The focus of this paper is on the architecture.
Figure 6. The block diagram shows the di?erent steps needed to run the AOCS algorithm. This ?ow-down comes after
the WEP ?ow-down shown in Figure
. In this block diagram, the "setpoint mapper" is the control algorithm used to
create the correction to improve the image quality. What is not shown in this graph is the sensitivity matrix needed by
both the optical state estimator and the control algorithm.
Optical State Estimation: The AOCS derives the appropriate state of the optical system from the wavefront
sensors in the presence of algorithmic, WCS and atmospheric noise errors.
The state estimation is either done
from the 4 sets of basis coe?cients for normal operation or 189 sets for full array use case. The most conceptually
simple version of this estimator uses the pseudo-inverse of the sensitivity matrix described at the end of this
Control algorithm (or setpoint mapper): Once the AOCS estimates the optical state of the telescope,
it uses an optimal control determining using a cost function to derive the realistic bending modes to apply to
M1M3 and M2 control systems as well as the M2 and camera hexapods. The result of this cost function provides
the best optical quality with the smallest actuator action. It also sets the control authority between actuator
groups (mirror bending modes and hexapod displacements). The cost function is built to allow the algorithm
to calculate the solution that will optimize the image quality, such as by minimizing the variance of the Full
Width Half Max (FWHM) over the large FOV. Furthermore, the cost function helps limit large actuator swings
to avoid damage to the glass, as well as ensure smooth transitions between iterations. The FOV mapping uses
the Gaussian Quadratic method. The temporal (sampling) behavior of the described controller is equivalent to
an integral controller. Performance can possibly be further optimized by a more complex dynamic controller
utilizing earlier system state estimates.
Sensitivity Matrix: The AOCS uses a sensitivity matrix calculated prior to any AOCS reconstruction. The
sensitivity matrix describes the optical response of the system to the various controlled degrees of freedom. The
columns of the sensitivity matrix correspond to the controlled degrees of freedom (described above). The rows
of the sensitivity matrix correspond to the Zernike coe?cients of the wavefront at the N sensor locations. This
matrix A is used in both the state estimation process and the control algorithm. This sensitivity matrix is
planned to be measured on-sky during commissioning. Note that the bending modes and Zernike coe?cients are
measured relative to a reference state. The sensitivity matrix is calculated o?ine after gathering on-sky data. It
is not expected to change often and will not be modi?ed during a night.
LSST is equipped with an active optics to optimize the image quality of the system. The active optics is a
curvature sensing systemoptimized for the LSST wide ?eld-of-view and optical design. The software architecture
of the AOS is decomposed into two main components: the wavefront estimation pipeline (WEP) which estimates
the residual wavefront from the open-loop model, and the active optics control system (AOCS) which calculates
the M1M3 and M2 shapes as well as the M2 and camera hexapods positions. Both WEP and AOCS are complex
entities that require severals inputs from other LSST subsystems and comprised of several steps. The AOS is
right now in full development with a completion date in accordance with the Telescope and Site Integration Plan,
late 2018.
This material is based upon work supported in part by the National Science Foundation through Cooperative
Agreement 1258333 managed by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), and the
Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515 with the SLAC National Accelerator Labora-
tory. Additional LSST funding comes from private donations, grants to universities, and in-kind support from
LSSTC Institutional Members.
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