LSST OCS Status and Plans
    Philip N. Daly
    , Germ?an Schumacher
    , Francisco Delgado
    , and Dave Mills
    LSST, 950 N. Cherry Avenue, Tucson AZ 85719, USA
    LSST, Colina El Pino s/n, Casilla 603, La Serena, Chile
    This paper reports on progress and plans for all meta-components of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
    (LSST) observatory control system (OCS). After an introduction to the scope of the OCS we discuss each meta-
    component in alphabetical order: application, engineering and facility database, maintenance, monitor, operator-
    remote, scheduler, sequencer, service abstraction layer and telemetry. We discuss these meta-components and
    their relationship with the overall control and operations strategy for the observatory. At the end of the paper,
    we review the timeline and planning for the delivery of these items.
    Keywords: LSST, OCS, control software, application, engineering and facility database, maintenance, monitor,
    operator-remote, scheduler, sequencer, service abstraction layer, telemetry.
    The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST
    ) is an 8.4 metre ground-based optical survey telescope currently
    under construction on Cerro Pach?on, Chile. The facility consists of the telescope and associated infrastructure,
    a 9.6 degrees
    3.2 G ? 16 bits/pixel camera,
    a data management system
    plus a suite of calibration instruments
    and a calibration telescope. The LSST is designed to survey 18,000 degrees
    of the southern sky, in 6 broadband
    ?lters, with each region receiving ˘ 825 visits over the survey lifetime with a nominal cadence of 2 ? 15 second
    observations per visit. The deep, fast, wide survey is intended to answer questions regarding topical science
    issues such as dark energy, cosmology and the contents (inventory) of the solar system plus provide serendipitous
    discovery through a large, curated database of observations and meta-data used by professional astronomers and
    citizen scientists alike.
    To ensure that the survey can be carried out e?ciently, an observatory control system (OCS) is being designed
    and constructed to meet the requirements, speci?cations and use cases derived from the science case. As the
    requirements document
    `The functional requirements comprise the operations and behaviour that the OCS implements to
    accomplish the data collection capabilities of the observatory. The OCS works as the overall master
    control for the data collection functions of the observatory. The data collection capabilities comprise
    the capture of science data from the camera as well as the acquisition of calibration and telemetry
    data system-wide needed to analyze the system performance.'
    A SysML model
    was developed of the OCS resulting in the principal components identi?ed in table
    The OCS architecture, shown in ?gure
    , is loosely coupled with communications facilitated by the service
    abstraction layer (SAL
    ) of commands (using a command-action-response model), telemetry and events to other
    subsystems on the same bus. This bus utilizes the OpenSplice community edition of the data distribution service
    The OCS is the main meta-component in the data-centric control architecture of the LSST. Because of
    the middleware technology selected, and the distributed control paradigm, the OCS does not need to connect
    Further author information: (Send correspondence to P.N.D.)
    P.N.D.: E-mail:, Telephone: +1 520 318 8438
    G.S.: E-mail:, Telephone: +56 51 205347

    Table 1. Main components of the observatory control system
    Business logic and rules
    Engineering and facility database
    Downtime manager
    Data monitoring and telemetry/event visualization
    Operator-Remote User interfaces
    Service abstraction layer (infrastructure software)
    Observation selection tool
    Sequences observations
    OCS speci?c meta-data
    Figure 1. LSST control architecture. The loosely coupled architecture provides for scalability with complex connectivity
    managed through the data bus. The color coding in this ?gure has no particular signi?cance.
    individually with any device or perform complicated handshake protocols with the principal subsystems of the
    observatory. The OCS has all the relevant telemetry available through DDS, and by getting the states, values
    and conditions of the subsystems, it can send the appropriate commands at the right moment to direct the
    observatory actions according to the observing mode.
    The same architecture and control strategy is applied inside OCS between its own components. Each OCS

    Figure 2. OCS principal subsystem interfaces. This shows the interface control documents associated with the main
    control elements of the OCS and subsystems. Not shown are the telemetry and events produced by the OCS itself.
    component can subscribe to relevant external and internal telemetry, and publishes new conditions and param-
    eters to realize the OCS activities. This architecture enables a distributed deployment of the OCS software
    components with a highly decoupled control relationship.
    Nominally, subsystems present themselves to the OCS as commandable entities and the number of such en-
    tities exposed is a contract between the subsystem developers and the OCS software team. All commandable
    entities present themselves via a well-developed state model.
    These commandable entities obey the interface
    control document contract agreed between the developers
    and are subject to rigid change control. Com-
    mandable entities obey the generic and business logic command
    set shown in table
    plus a set of behavioural
    commands that are subsystem dependent. Examples of behavioural commands are ccsSetFilter() for the Camera
    commandable entity. It is entirely permissible for a commandable entity to have no behavioural commands and
    just obey the state model (command) triggers. The principal interfaces are shown schematically in ?gure
    In the remainder of this paper, we consider each of the meta-components identi?ed in table
    in separate
    The Application meta-component is analogous to the old-fashioned concept of a main() routine. It contains
    the business logic to run the observatory and supports data, science, calibration and engineering observations,
    operations procedures and smooth transitions between such operating modes. A vital part of the Application

    Table 2. Generic and business logic commands of an OCS commandable entity
    logic concerns (graceful) error recovery to maximize operations e?ciency in the event of (partial or full) subsystem
    failure. This smart recovery blueprint is currently under development.
    Figure 3. Enterprise Architect model of observatory modes. Transitions between these modes are the domain of the
    Application component.

    The requirements analysis for this component drives us towards an orthogonal state machine of operations
    between known states and sub-states. The development of this state machine is ongoing with input provided by
    the technical operations working group as they have analyzed many aspects of observatory operations
    and their
    SysML diagram of observatory modes is shown in ?gure
    for reference. As examples, the transition between
    various operations activities is shown in ?gure
    and the actions performed to con?gure for in-dome calibration
    are shown in ?gure
    Figure 4. Model of 24-hour summit operations cycle. These are examples of the seamless transitions that the Application
    component will co-ordinate.
    A main task of the Application meta-component will be to select which observation will be performed and in

    Figure 5. Model of con?guring for in-dome calibration. In this diagram, we see speci?c actions required for di?erent
    types of in-dome calibration procedures.
    what order. Although the Scheduler component suggests the next visit, the Application is under no obligation
    to select this choice. Circumstances where it will override the Scheduler option will be rare but can encompass
    targets of opportunity and ad hoc calibration or engineering sequences (especially during commissioning).
    When an observation is available, the Application will be noti?ed by a well-known event. The event payload
    will include the location of an XML con?guration specifying the details of the required observation. From this
    payload, and a scientist-supplied template ?le for the requested observation type, the Application script builder
    will be able to create, dynamically, a complete script to perform the observation tagged with a unique observation

    identi?er. This is similar to the NEWFIRM
    approach but with the business logic being contained with the
    Application meta-component (rather than the end user GUI interface).
    This unique observation identi?er can be used as an index for observation management. This can be done
    with a modest piece of code
    >> from astropy.time import Time
    >> def getObservationIdentifier():
    >> return float(''.join("{at:.17f}".format(at=Time(str(
    >> getObservationIdentifier()
    This identi?er can then be used as a dictionary key with the value equating to the associated script (held
    within, for example, < script-path > /57496.91866954861325212.scr ). Since the keys appear as a collection
    of ?oating-point monotonically increasing numbers, a FIFO can be created by asking for the minimum-value key
    (from the set) and a LIFO by asking for the maximum-value key (no matter what order they are stored in). For
    OCS purposes, a FIFO is optimal and we can introduce any urgent observation (one that has to be done before
    anything else in the FIFO) by unary negation of the observation identi?er.
    Visit N
    Visit N+1
    Visit N+2
    Visit N+3
    Visit N+4
    n minute(s)
    n+1 minute(s)
    n+2 minute(s)
    Figure 6. Median timing diagram for advance notice of pointings in the steady-state survey. This to-temporal scale
    diagram shows the timing required for signals to conform to the DMCS advance-pointing requirement. This is the median
    case but we have diagrams for the mean and fastest cases, too.
    The design and development of the management of this queue, particularly with respect to the requirement
    on the `advance notice of (telescope) pointings' for the data management control system, is being guided by
    timing diagrams like that shown in ?gure
    The engineering and facility database (EFD) design is predicated on the project requirement to maintain a
    complete and comprehensive archive of all system information (operational, environmental and con?gurational)
    in a coherent and easy to access form.
    The database will be used in a near real-time access mode, as a source
    for daily system status reporting as well as long-term historical trending purposes.
    A more robust piece of code will be developed that ensures the uniqueness of this value. A similar mechanism has
    been in place since 1994 on many other instruments on many telescopes developed by the principal author and has never
    been known to produce a duplicate number.

    The database will record all telemetry (raw and derived) issued by all the subsystems of LSST. It will also
    record the complete command and con?guration history of each subsystem.
    An EFD cluster is comprised of a set of commercial-o?-the-shelf (COTS) rack mount servers, each supporting
    4 ? 8 Tb storage units currently baselined as SATA HD, but solid state may be substituted depending upon
    price/performance ratios. Two identical instances of the EFD cluster are operational at all times. One resides
    on the summit, and the other at the base facility. The EFD data will also be replicated at the archive center(s).
    The EFD data is comprised of the following types of objects:
    ? Telemetry datastream records;
    ? Command and response records;
    ? Alert and log records;
    ? Con?guration records;
    ? Derived data records;
    ? Binary large-?le objects (images, PDFs, spreadsheets etc).
    Each type of object will typically be produced in many ?avours by each LSST subsystem. In order to
    achieve a coherent system and database design, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the atomic items
    in each telemetry datastream (mediated by the middleware), and the telemetry datastream records in the EFD.
    Additional higher level information (derived data) may also be stored.
    Large objects are not stored natively in the database. Although modern SQL databases have this capability,
    it is generally very ine?cient in both storage space and latency. The EFD will instead store large-?le objects
    as independent ?les with the exact type determined by data itself e.g., .fits , .mpg etc. The data access layer
    provided by the SAL automatically integrates a record of the details of each large object ?le, as it is mandatory
    for the creating subsystem to also publish an event describing the object.
    A subsequent event is published by the EFD cluster once the object has been sucessfully copied and validated
    (checksum, update date, version etc). Users of large object data items always retrieve them from the EFD using
    a uniform resource locator (URL) as speci?ed on the EFD announcement event, typically retrieving the entire
    object at once. This URL conforms with RFC-2396. The supported set of ?le transfer protocols is a subset of
    those supported by the cURL library (at a minimum to include http , https , scp , file and smb ).
    Several classes of queries are supported:
    Recent history (operator display functionality) :
    Many instances of this query class will be ful?lled by the middleware without needing to refer to the
    database. However, many queries requiring larger datasets (e.g., last hour), will normally be ful?lled by
    the on-site EFD;
    24-hour period (constructing daily reports) :
    This query class would normally be processed on the base EFD cluster, but can also be processed on-site
    if required;
    Large (days, weeks, months) :
    This query type will normally be expected to be processed at the data center where large resources are
    Real-time (last recorded value) :
    This query type will normally be ful?lled by the middleware without needing to refer to the database. The
    possibility of forcing a query is expected to be a rare special case.
    All records in the EFD are time tagged with 2 items: the local machine time when the corresponding
    information was generated and the arrival time on the EFD cluster. The ?delity of the system time is maintained
    cluster wide using precision time protocol (PTP) to within 1 ms.

    The Maintenance meta-component derives its functionality from the following observatory system speci?cation
    ) requirement:
    `The LSST system shall be designed for maintainability of components, and a maintenance plan shall
    be implemented to achieve the required survey performance during the life span.'
    This OCS component is the software that supports the maintenance activities of the observatory, collecting
    and storing the relevant telemetry and keeping track of routine maintenance operations. It provides functionality
    and interfaces for generating reports, logs, and supporting the management of the maintenance plans. This
    support is utilized by a plan for the facilities and maintenance e?ort, with the goal of long term sustained
    operations as the primary objective.
    Figure 7. LSST CMMS database implementation and interface with operations system. The CMMS is linked to the OCS
    middleware to enable access to the usage logs of the operational systems.
    The heart of the plan is a commercial computerized maintenance management system (CMMS
    ), now in the
    process of being selected. A CMMS software package maintains a computer database of information about an
    organization's maintenance operations. This CMMS packages provide capabilities to generate preventive and
    predictive maintenance activities, schedule calibration and tests, measure downtime, track tooling and parts,
    analyze trending data on usage and failures, among other features.

    The implementation of the Maintenance component consists, then, of a CMMS package and interface software
    linked to the OCS communications middleware, for interactions with the operations system. This is illustrated
    in ?gure
    showing this integration of the operations system with the CMMS functionality.
    5. MONITOR
    The Monitor meta-component provides the tools and visualization of telemetry and events to allow operators
    to see the current state of the observatory and trends emerging from the data. In every sense, the Monitor
    meta-component can be thought of as a data science component. It is not concerned with visualization of the
    pixel data for that is handled by a di?erent component, being developed by the camera and data management
    subsystems. Nor is it concerned with the collection of fundamental data as all telemetry and events that pass
    through the SAL are automatically logged into the engineering and facility database. Aggregated data (from
    various sources) that contribute to the overall status of the observatory (and the OCS) will, typically, be created
    by the Telemetry meta-component.
    Therefore, we can breakdown the Monitor into the following components:
    1. Alarm production display and management.
    It is vital that alarms are clearly visible to the `operators' of the telescope (some of whom will be on-site and
    some remote). This component will utilize code from many aspects of the operator-remote development
    as we would wish this component to be scalable from desktop through laptops to smart phones. We are
    recruiting in this area but it is equally possible that we will contract with outside agencies to deliver some
    of this functionality, e.g., INRIA in Chile, and we have already opened a dialogue with such companies.
    We are also looking at other developments such as those on
    2. Report generation.
    Reports can be generated automatically (at the end of the night, say) to facilitate day-to-day operations
    and engineering planning for the observatory or may be bespoke for speci?c engineering or science activity.
    This component is relatively uncomplicated and is based upon scientists and engineers identifying which
    database queries are relevant to the report in hand. The report output should be made available as both
    HTML and PDF. This will, in all likelihood, be an activity for the commissioning phase of the project.
    3. Trend analysis.
    This is the most interesting aspect of the Monitor and we will utilize a complex event processing (CEP
    paradigm which transforms a given set of (usually diverse) inputs into a known output stream
    i.e. viz.,
    from source(s) to e?ect. We anticipate that this particular development will occur later in the construction
    cycle as we evaluate suitable software packages and gain expertize with observatory operations during the
    early commissioning period.
    To present a consistent view of the system to users the, formerly separate, Operator and Remote components
    have been combined into a single, uni?ed meta-component. Since we will have both local and remote users, we
    will implement the interface via a set of web pages with appropriate authentication and security protocols. The
    back-end software of this development is inchoate but we did evaluate several programs from other observatories
    regarding many aspects of their software and UI/UX paradigms
    and hope to bene?t from such open source
    However, we can say that the inputs that de?ne the web pages will be based upon a well-de?ned XML
    schema ( ocs.xsd
    ). As proof-of-concept for this functionality, we utilized a tool called XSDForms, which ingests
    a schema and automatically produces a web page based upon it, to present a ccsTakeImages() interface on a
    web page as shown in ?gure
    . Pressing the < SEND > button on this web-GUI, produces the following output:
    An example of such a paradigm, in current practice, is credit-card expenditure tracking which leads to fraud alerts
    when the purchase appears beyond the bounds of normal activity.
    Available at xml.git

    <ccsCommand Subsystem=`Camera' WaitForCompletion=`True' RecordID=1>
    When this ?le is created on a back-end server, a SAL event informing the other components of the system
    that a new observation is available will be triggered.
    Figure 8. ccsTakeImages Command via an XSDForms interface. This web page is created automatically by the XSDForms
    software simply by ingesting the associated, well-formed, schema.
    Even though we will strive to achieve the same `look and feel' for the OCS interfaces, we accept that|
    with so many subsystems and diverse vendors supplying the software interfaces|engineering interfaces will look
    di?erent to the preferred OCS visual designs. Such interfaces will be hidden from regular and remote users unless
    authenticated as system experts.

    The Scheduler
    is the OCS meta-component that produces the targets for the observatory, implementing the
    survey. Due to the variety of science goals and the operational constraints of the LSST observatory, the Scheduler
    was envisioned as a fully automatic and dynamic component that|according to the current conditions of the
    observatory and the environment, the past history of observations and the multiple goals from the multiple
    science programs de?ned in the survey|determines the next target at real-time.
    The need for such a Scheduler for the scienti?c success of the LSST was identi?ed early on the project. In
    addition, the scale of the survey and the fact that the mission is about multiple sciences missions simultane-
    ously, made the Scheduler a high-risk component. In order to mitigate this risk, prototypes of the Scheduler
    were developed from the beginning of the research and development phase in the project, working in a highly
    detailed simulation environment. The result is a detailed design for the Scheduler, and a construction plan that
    incorporates the simulation aspect for constant validation.
    Figure 9. Scheduler component in the context of the OCS. Here we see that the component ingests telemetry and data
    from a variety of subsystem using the DDS bus and outputs the most opportune target for the next visit.
    illustrates the context of the Scheduler as part of the OCS. The Application controls the operational
    modes, the EFD provides the history of previous observations during start-up, TCS and CCS provide the
    telemetry for the current observatory conditions. The environment monitoring control system (EMCS) provides
    telemetry about the environmental conditions, and the DMCS provides the feedback with measured image quality
    parameters from past observations. All this information is computed by the scheduling algorithms to produce
    the targets, main output from the Scheduler. The Sequencer executes those targets, and the actual observations
    are then noti?ed back to the Scheduler the register the visits and adjust the priorities for the upcoming targets.
    Scheduler telemetry is also produced, with information regarding the decisions processes for monitoring the

    The Sequencer is the software meta-component that orchestrates the transmission of the commands to the
    observatory subsystems in order to follow the series of targets provided by the scheduler, in the fully automatic
    survey mode, as well as in scripted observations, calibration or engineering. We have reduced this to a set of
    one-on-one components for each commandable entity and proved the concept using Python classes.
    In short, we have developed a class (ocsGenericEntity) that provides the base functionality of the state model
    to all commandable entities. We have further developed a camera class (ocsCameraEntity) that inherits from
    this base class and adds the behavioural commands associated with the Camera commandable entity. Extending
    this base class to other commandable entities with behavioural commands is transpicuous but will circumscribe
    the timeline for delivery.
    Indeed, so successful is this model that, in a very real sense, the Python virtual machine can be considered
    the sequencer itself with Python providing the scripting capabilities required by the users. For example, the
    ccsTakeImages() XML output from the web-GUI of section
    can be translated into the following script based
    upon a template:
    # import the ocsCameraEntity class
    from ocsCameraEntity import *
    # create a camera instance
    camera = ocsCameraEntity('CCS','Camera')
    # turn off simulation which is enabled by default
    camera.simulation = False
    # issue command ccsTakeImages(numImages,ExpTime,Shutter,Science,Guider,WFS,name)
    The use of argparse can provide each of the developed classes with an instant command line interface
    satisfying that OCS requirement.
    8.1 Operator-Remote Re-Visited
    We mentioned in section
    the development of a consistent set of web interfaces to operator and users. Until
    such consistent user interfaces are developed, we can re-use the classes mentioned above wrapped with a tkinter
    GUI to create an operator console for testing and commissioning purposes. This is shown in ?gure
    several generic commandable entities are shown and can be toggled on/o? using the appropriate checkbutton on
    the left-hand side of the interface.
    The LSST middleware is based on a set of software abstractions which provide standard interfaces for common
    communications services. This is driven by the observatory requirement for communication between diverse
    subsystems, implemented by di?erent contractors, and comprehensive archiving of subsystem status data.
    The service abstraction layer (SAL
    ) is implemented using open source packages that implement open stan-
    dards of the data distribution service (DDS) for data communication and standard query language (SQL) for
    database access. Speci?cally, the (PrismTech) OpenSplice community edition of DDS provides a LGPL dis-
    tribution which may be freely re-distributed. The availability of the full source code provides assurances that
    the project will be able to maintain it over the full 10 year survey, independent of the fortunes of the original
    For each subsystem, abstractions for each of the telemetry data streams, along with command/response and
    events, have been agreed with the appropriate component vendor (e.g., Dome, TMA, Hexapod) and captured
    in interface control documents (ICDs). The de?nition of instances of these abstractions is tightly controlled by
    reference to a system dictionary. All code referencing them is automatically generated and includes real-time
    consistency checking on a per-transaction basis. All command transactions, telemetry and event messages are
    automatically stored in a system wide facility database system.

    Figure 10. A tkinter console re-using sequencer classes. This is a GUI wrapper to the classes developed for the Sequencer
    and provides a dynamic OCS console.
    The full set of de?ned transactions (per subsystem) is formally described using an XML Schema. The XML
    is then used to automatically generate DDS compliant interface de?nition language (IDL) code. The IDL is also
    extended with a set of SAL speci?c metadata which provides real-time consistency checking, clock slew detection,
    and full traceability on a per message basis.
    The code base to support the complete set of SAL mediated communications|languages include C++,
    Java, Python and LabVIEW|is auto-generated, along with a comprehensive set of unit tests and extensive
    documentation. Application writers need only the appropriate runtime packages (SAL, DDS shared libraries or
    jar archives) in order to communicate with any other subsystem. Another paper
    provides intimate details of
    this software infrastructure layer.
    Telemetry is the meta-component that performs utility functions on the telemetry stream that are of common
    interest to the OCS components (e.g., ?gures of merit etc). This will be developed ad hoc as the need for such
    metadata arises.

    Figure 11. Relationship between JIRA and the project (in e?ect, PMCS) for telescope and site software planning.
    The planning project contains a set of meta-epics, which have a composition relationship. The epics themselves have a
    aggregation relationship to the meta-epics.
    All elements of the project are subject to critical deadlines as outlined in the overall project plan
    . For telescope
    and site software development, we have adopted several tools for tracking and delivery of meta-components
    within an earned value paradigm. A complementary approach is described in another paper.
    We are using project-wide tools such as Atlassian Confluence and JIRA with code builds utilizing both a
    private Stash repository (for proprietary code) and GitHub (for open source code). We have recently added a
    Jenkins continuous integration server
    to automate this delivery. A new hire is also tasked with software testing.
    To provide input into the global project management control system (PMCS) and track issues within, we
    have set up a `Telescope and Site Software Planning Project' (TSSPP) and a `Telescope and Site Software' (TSS)
    JIRA-based tracking system. We show a model of this in ?gure
    . Meta-epics within the TSSPP scope are
    reduced to a series of epics within TSS and monthly sprints are held on these items.
    In this paper we have discussed all meta-components within the OCS domain and their current status. We have
    outlined our plans for these meta-components and have schedule and budget for timely delivery to the project
    in the construction, integration and early and full commissioning phases.

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