LSST Communications Middleware
Dave Mills
, German Schumacher, and Paul Lotz
LSST , 950 N Cherry Ave , Tucson AZ 85719, USA
The LSST communications middle-ware is based on a set of software abstractions; which provide
standard interfaces for common communications services. The observatory requires communication
between diverse subsystems, implemented by different contractors, and comprehensive archiving of
subsystem status data. The Service Abstraction Layer (SAL) is implemented using open source
packages that implement open standards of DDS (Data Distribution Service
) for data communication,
and SQL (Standard Query Language) for database access. For every subsystem, abstractions for each of
the Telemetry data-streams, along with Command/Response and Events, have been agreed with the
appropriate component vendor (such as Dome, TMA, Hexapod), and captured in ICD's (Interface
Control Documents).The OpenSplice (Prismtech) Community Edition of DDS provides an LGPL
licensed distribution which may be freely re-distributed. The availability of the full source code
provides assurances that the project will be able to maintain it over the full 10 year survey, independent
of the fortunes of the original providers.
Keywords : LSST, DDS, Middleware, EFD
1. Introduction
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST)
is a revolutionary facility which will produce an
unprecedented wide-field astronomical survey of our universe using an 8.4-meter ground-based
telescope. The LSST leverages innovative technology in all subsystems: the camera (3200 megapixels,
the world’s largest digital camera), telescope (simultaneous casting of the primary and tertiary mirrors;
two aspherical optical surfaces on one substrate), and data management
(15 terabytes of data nightly,
nearly instant alerts issued for objects that change in position or brightness).
This paper describes the architecture for the Communications Middleware which will mediate the
interactions between the numerous component subsystems of LSST.
Figure 1 – LSST Control Architecture
Communications between all of the component subsystems of the observatory are mediated by a layer
of middleware. This software provides Ethernet based communications using the Data Distribution
Service (DDS) protocol. This is in turn layered on top of the Real Time Publish Subscribe (RTPS)
4 .
This is also an Open Standard, which permits transparent interaction between independent
DDS implementations produced by different vendors.
A higher level package , the Service Abstraction Layer (SAL) , has been written to leverage the DDS
services and make them easy for the application developers. The generation of the detailed
specifications of the supported transactions, is facilitated by a database of syntactic elements know as
the System Dictionary, which holds details of all the syntactic atoms which are defined and recognized
in the application domain.
The middleware architecture has been modeled using the SysML
language, along with the detailed
Telescope, and Observatory Control System designs.
2. Service Abstraction Layer
Primary access to the communications services is provided by a set of core abstractions : Commands,
Telemetry, and Events. For each abstraction an Extensible Markup Language (XML) schema is
provided to assist in the definition, and maintain consistency throughout the system. For example, each
Telemetry definition consists of basic meta-data such as subsystem, author, version etc, plus a set of
strongly type data elements comprising the actual telemetry values. The structure of each abstract type
is also reflected in the system wide Engineering and Facility Database (EFD), which records all the
communications between the subsystems.
Figure 2 – SAL XML schema
Extensive prototyping has been done to calculate the total network bandwidth required to support
operations, and the EFD clusters are sized to store complete records of the entire 10 year survey
(currently estimated at 400TB). There are two identical live EFD's , one at the summit, and another at
the base. The EFD is also replicated to the archive center.
The Service Abstraction Layer (SAL) is implemented using open source packages that implement the
Object Management Group (OMG) open standards of IDL (Interface Definition Language), DDS (Data
Distribution Service) for data communication, and SQL (Standard Query Language) for database
The SAL Software Development Kit (SDK) provides tools to automatically generate communications
libraries based on the data-types defined using the SAL XML schema. Supported languages include
C/C++, Java, Python, and LabVIEW. The current development platform is CentOS Linux x86_64 7.0.
(a variety of other platforms can be supported if necessary, including Darwin/BSD, Vxworks,
Windows). The code base is maintained in a local Git repository and mirrored to Github
for external
Figure 3 – SAL development workflow
The per-subsystem XML definitions are also maintained in a Github repository. A Jenkins Continuous
Integration server is used to monitor the development. Google Test is used to automate higher level
integration and performance tests. Jenkins is also cross-platform as it is Java based.SAL interactions
during tests are logged to the EFD for future reference
Figure 3 illustrates the flow of processing involved. We start with the input XML, which is parsed and
syntax checked. The corresponding IDL is generated and some housekeeping meta-data is also added at
this stage (SAL IDL). The type support library is then generated for the appropriate target language (the
example uses C++), along with EFD table definitions. The application developer then writes code to
the SAL API, and links it with the SAL generated shared library at run-time
In the case of Java, the SDK generates the type support and SAL Application Programming Interface
(API) Jar files, and then bundles them into a Maven project.
For Python (2.7, 3.4) we wrap the C++ API using Boost::Python and generate a Python importable
shared library (Simple Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG) wrappers are also available).
The process for LabVIEW is a little more interactive as the VI's must be generated from within the
LabVIEW environment using the “Import Shared Library” wizard. An additional LabVIEW tool was
also written to create “Cluster” types based on the SAL IDL data definitions.
There is also a web based interface to the code generator which can be used by non-developers to easily
modify the basic types.
Figure 4 – SAL Datastream Definition Editor
3. Consistency checking and version control
Each transaction type which is defined has embedded in it's low level structure a UUID generated from
the description. At run-time all transactions are consistency checked to ensure that the same definition
is being used by both sender and receiver. Transactions are also automatically time-tagged so that any
clock-skew between subsystems can be immediately identified. The system uses the Precision Time
Protocol (PTP
) to maintain accurate synchronized system clocks throughout the observatory. The
accuracy requirement is at the 1msec level, easily satisfied by PTP.
I d e n ti f i e r
D e s c r i p ti on
Crc of IDL source
System time of sender
System time of receiver
Sequence number (process)
IP addr and PID
Table 1 – Consistency check metadata
Transport Layer
The middle-ware transport layer is an implementation of an Open Standard, the DDS. The open-source
OpenSplice package is being used, but other compliant DDS implementations could also be substituted
(eg RTI NDDS).
DDS does not require a central server and implements a publish/subscribe architecture. Multiple actors
may be present on multiple nodes. For the case of multiple actors within a single node, shared memory
is used as the low level transport.
The interaction between DDS actors on multiple nodes in a distributed system is mediated by a
discovery phase. New nodes can be added to the system at any time and DDS automatically manages
their "discovery" and integration.
Figure 6 – DDS Discovery phase
5. Quality of Service (QOS)
As different subsystems publish data at different cadences, and there are differing priorities for different
kinds of transactions , we use the DDS QOS mechanisms to tune the overall system behavior
Q oS P ol i c y
A duration, 'deadline_period'
Indicates that a data reader expects a new sample
updating the value of each instance at least once
every deadline_period.
Indicates that a data writer commits to writing a
new value for each instance managed by the data
writer at least once every deadline_period.
A duration, 'minimum_spearation'
Filter that allows a data reader to specify that it
does not want to receive more than one value each
'mnimum_seperation' period, regardless of how
fast changes occur.
A string, 'expression' and a sequence of strings,
Filter that allows a data reader to filter the data
received based on the contents of the data itself.
Syntax of 'expression' is like an SQL WHERE
clause. Only the 'parameter' part may be changed.
A kind (KEEP_LAST or KEEP_ALL) and an
integer 'depth'
Specifies the behavior of the middleware in the
case where the value of a data object changes (one
of more times) before it can be successfully
communicated to one or more existing
Controls whether the middleware should attempt
to keep in its history only the most recent set of
values (KEEP_LAST) or all values (KEEP_ALL)
Specifies whether the middleware should use a
reliable protocol to ensure each data sample in the
publishers history is received by all subscribers.
Table 2
– DDS QoS policies
The LSST SAL provides a mechanism to generate run-time support in a variety of languages. The only
input required is a set of Interface definitions written using a simple XML schema. The generated code
provides consistency and coherence all the way from application code (developed by a diverse set of
globally distributed contractors), to the recorded history of all inter-subsystem interactions
(Commands, Events, and Telemetry), in the EFD. This functionality is essential for the optimal analysis
of the survey data. It enables the necessary corrections for environmental and procedural effects. The
EFD will also be continuously monitored to detect early signs of hardware problems and ensure that all
subsystems are operating within design specifications.
This material is based upon work supported in part by the National Science Foundation through
Cooperative Agreement 1258333 managed by the Association of Universities for Research in
Astronomy (AURA), and the Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515 with the
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Additional LSST funding comes from private donations, grants
to universities, and in-kind support from LSSTC institutional members.
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